229th Anniversary Dinner of the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick in the City of New York

The Two Hundred and Twenty-Ninth Anniversary Dinner of our Society will be held at the Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers, 52nd Street at Seventh Avenue, New York City, on Friday evening, March 15, 2013.
Reception 6:15 o’clock – Dinner 7:00 o’clock sharp.
Reservations are Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00).
The speakers will be:
Commissioner New York City Police Department
Archbishop of New York
Cocktails will be served in the Reception Rooms adjoining the Grand Ballroom beginning 6:15.
Reservations may be made by completing the form attached to the invitation and mailed without delay to the Secretary.  Checks made payable to The Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, must accompany all reservations. Alternatively you may log on to the Society’s website at www.friendlysonsnyc.com to make your reservation and pay by credit card.  We strongly encourage you to use the Society’s website and ask that you use the space provided on the application to make requests to be seated with other members who are submitting separate dinner applications.
Tables will be set for ten.
Please note that the closing date for the receipt of reservations is Tuesday, March 5. Any changes in names of guests will not appear on the seating list if received after this date. Our deadline regarding the printing schedule for our Dinner will not allow for any changes past this date, thus we must strictly enforce this deadline.
Telephone calls with reference to reservations should be made to (212) 269-1770.
As prescribed by IRS regulations, $180.00 of the cost of the ticket may be deductible as a charitable contribution, which represents the amount in excess of the value of the Dinner.
White or Black Tie, Decorations
Jackie Mc Carthy
The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York
80 Wall Street, Suite 712
New York, NY 10005
Tel:  (212) 269-1770
Fax: (212) 344-8966
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